The elder scrolls 4 ? oblivion
The elder scrolls 4 ? oblivion

It's their feedback and support that's helped shape the game over the years. Speaking of players, what's your take on feedback from fans? Increasingly, we've seen fandoms wield their influence in both positive and negative ways with online video games.ĮSO wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for our community. This, coupled with the fact any "mistakes" you make with a build or character setup are very easy to undo, makes experimenting really fun and easy. A new player and a max level player can group up from day 1 and make meaningful progress.Ĭlasses don't force you into specific roles – every class can do any role and use any armor or weapon type. You don't have to grind through years of older content just to get to the new stuff – you can jump into whatever story interests you at any time.ĮSO is extremely easy to play with others – you can play with anyone regardless of level or alliance choice. You can just pick a direction and go explore. There are no arbitrary level gates preventing you from exploring the world. If I were to distill it down to a few major points though, they would be: There's a number of reasons – I could go on for pages and pages for this one. What is it about Elder Scrolls Online that sets it apart from other MMOs? That keeps players coming back? Obviously, Amazon's New World is very successful right out of the gate, but these sorts of video games don't always have the staying power that Elder Scrolls Online has had so far. On What Sets Elder Scrolls Online Apart (Photo: Bethesda Softworks/ZeniMax Online Studios) Have you been playing The Elder Scrolls Online recently? What do you make of this past year's changes to the title? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at to talk about all things gaming! And keep reading to check out our full interview with The Elder Scrolls Online Creative Director Rich Lambert! You can check out all of our previous coverage of the popular MMORPG right here.

the elder scrolls 4 ? oblivion

As noted above, the latest expansion DLC, The Elder Scrolls Online: Deadlands, is set to release on November 1st for PC, Mac, and Google Stadia and for console players on November 16th. In general, The Elder Scrolls Online itself is currently available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Google Stadia. According to the initial announcement, the developer expects Deadlands to take roughly 20 hours for folks to complete. In general, players will explore the new zones to stop Dagon's plans and prevent him from ruling Nirn. If you are not already familiar, Deadlands is set to feature several new areas like the Burn, The Sever, and the huge city of Fargrave.

The elder scrolls 4 ? oblivion